Monday, March 3, 2008

Symbolism of HP Lovecraft

Lovecraft is an odd person to talk about symbolism. Whether there is something behind these stories I believe there is. I don't believe however the symbolism is on purpose or that it's just to remind himself of things that have happened in his life, hating America, being under appreciated, only being published in 2 magazines and dying poor would do that to someone. I personally think that the story of Celephais and Whisperer in the Dark are the two stories Lovecraft really put himself into. Celephais I believe was himself telling how he just wanted to escape to the lands in his stories these tombs, maybe he was suicidal even seeing as how everyone who leaves New England dies at the end of his books. As far as whisperer in the Dark it might have been a cry for help, HP realizing his own insanity or perhaps exerting his anger and desire to kill any purity within his heart.


Anonymous said...
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megasaurus said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi Eric:
I see you exploring a lot of themes in Lovecraft's writing. Good. What direction are going to take for a thesis? Will you focus on his writing style? Or will you go in the direction we were talking about in class in which you analyze the reader's interpretation vs. the author's intent? Good start. Keep up the good work