Monday, March 3, 2008

Herbert West- ReAnimator (30 pages)

Herbert West is a carbon copy of Frankenstein but more insane. Herbert is a Canadian professor who bluntly comes off as a gay necrophiliac whose obsession is to make an army of dead. For a full night Herbert's experiment works and he reeks havoc with power he has no control over. He describes his creations in great detail from their cold but meaty skin to the yellow glisten in their eyes. During the course of the night he's murdered all his servants and turned them into undead, but Herbert doesn't have control and gets eaten as soon as the zombie like creatures form legions and the narrator is Herbert's best friend who at the end of the story clues us into that he might' have been the one who was really behind this study

Memorable line: "They imply that I am a madman or a murderer-probably I am mad. But I might not be mad if those accursed tomb legions had not been so silent" (Pg.30)

Style: Again, Frankenstein Rip off...probably because the films started to come out in 1931.

Exterior Notes: Maybe his stories are so long because he doesn't have the ability to write long stories without being too dragged out, this story had a great premise but was like pulling teeth to get through

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