Sunday, March 2, 2008

Nyarlathotep (3 pages)

Nyarlathotep is a warning to all who read it from an anonymous man. The warning is of the God of destruction Nyarlathotep, something so powerful, who looks human but has the ability to possess and animate figures such as stone statues with its soul using strange tools only used to "spill the blood of civilizations". In the story the man entails the destruction of his village when Nyarlathotep places its soul into gargoyles that ravage and destroy an entire civilization within mere seconds.

Memorable Line: "Nyarlathotep, swarthy slender, and sinister, always buying strange instruments of glass and metal and combining them into instruments yet stranger." (pg.2)

Style: This almost reminds me of a bible reading. The entire feel of this story seems like the bible readings of the end of the world and the theme of ultimate evil coming from pure evil in form of a human much like the anti-christ depicted in the bible.

Exterior Notes: This might have been where H.P lovecraft really opened up the idea that his stories are all part of one world...maybe I should make a map or something of all the gods and titans listed in this book, all their origins and routes of travel are listed in each story.

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